From our Brothers to the North:


Beautiful Men!

The time has come to look at your availability and interest in staffing/MOS’ing the upcoming British Columbia, Canada NWTA in September (Sept. 21-24) at Camp Chilliwack! For those of you who haven’t been yet, know that words cannot make the place justice. It is the most magical area I have been to in BC. The fact that I get to do deep work, with men I have grown to love and hold dear, in this magical place makes it even more special.

I will be your weekend coordinator for this event and am looking for men who want to learn, grow, connect, serve, and love. Let’s make this another BC NWTA to remember! Please invite any and every initiated man you can think of, including those outside the province! A personal invitation to staff from another man means much more than a generic call to service in my books. 

If you are interested, I NEED YOU to sign up now. I am eager to start organizing the roles and the layout (staff and MOS). If you have any questions or want to connect beforehand, do not hesitate to reach out. Sign up link below. Make sure that you log into your personal MKP account first. (If the form is not already mostly prefilled out with your personal info, then you probably did not log in to your account.) Also, make sure that you get a confirmation email from mkp connect. 

I look forward to sharing space and energy with you all.

Much love ❤

Antony Cloutier | Loving Presence
