NW iGroup Coordinator
(Message from Kelly)
Information from the most recent PIT Council meeting
The MKP PIT Council has been working for years to elevate the importance of PIT within the Project. Three basic needs were identified:
1.-Track who has done a PIT
2.-Safety of curriculum
3.-Quality of facilitation
Guidelines have been created for PIT curriculums. Each PIT Leadership team must agree to abide by these guidelines and sign an agreement stating so. The guidelines include what must be included in the PIT, and what cannot. The recommended F2F (Face to Face) curriculum will be rolled out at the August 17 meeting.
The question of how many areas have sufficient PIT Leadership staff was asked of the group. About half the group responded affirmatively. This is something I feel we need to focus on-getting a larger pool of PIT Leaders. This includes: staff, senior Brothers (Instructors), Co-Lead, and Lead. If you feel called to be part of the PIT pool, reach out to Kelly.
From our latest I-Group Coordinator meeting:
This meeting was about identifying what the group’s purpose is. Various statements were bandied about, but the essence of all was essentially: we are to help create safe groups where men can do their work and find their highest selves.
I want to leave you with this jewel from one of the men, Tyrone Marsh:
“The man I sit with in circle would be the man who will carry my casket, be there for my wedding, my graduation, my joys, sorrows, whatever.” |