Willamette Valley ManKind Project
December 2021 Newsletter
An audio recording of this newsletter narrated by Area steward, Steve Newcomb.

Inspiration of the month

Here is an inspiring 15 min video on Elders for Climate Justice. Five years ago, a group of 5 MKP Elders, from New England, formed a mission focused I-Group to move the needle on the risks of climate change. Two more MKP brothers joined, 2 years later, including Jon Witte from our MKP Pacific NW Area. 

Here is a link to their Elders For Climate Justice website:


Reminder – There is still time to honor a local man in our community
The NW elder team will be accepting submissions till December 31st
for the 23rd annual Ron Hering award. 
Please think of any man who may deserve this award.

Send your submission to our Willamette Valley NW elder rep – Jim Drews

 2020 winners
Support the cause
Become a member

https://mkpusa.org/donate-now/More information can be found on our website
Men, we set a December 30 goal that
“Every man in our WV community is a contributing member!”

Want an easy way to contribute to the ManKind Project?

Make MKP the charity that you support with your Amazon shopping.


  1. Log into your Amazon account. 
  2. Go to https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/change/ to add or change your charity
  3. Enter ManKind Project in the search box
  4. Click on the Select button next to ManKind Project USA
  5. In the future, shop from smile.amazon.com and Amazon will make a donation for every purchase that you make.

It’s that easy!

As a result of other people having done this, MKP USA has received $6,646.91 in donations.

Thank you for supporting our work by showing up in your circle and showing up for others in every way that you do.


ManKind Project USA Annual Meeting

Saturday December 4, 2021, at 10:00 am – 12:00pm Pacific

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 642 988 9133
Passcode: 657872

Looking for a growth opportunity

MKP has a number of training opportunities. A sampling is below.
To see the entire list, go here

Sessions start December 2nd Learn More
Sessions start Jan. 9th, 2022 Learn More
Sessions start Jan. 18th, 2022 Learn More

Brothers, do you know a man who’s not sitting in a men’s circle?

We have a place for them.

Open Men’s Group, 1st & 3rd Monday’s, 7-9 PM, online meetings:

Password: 202020

We want to hear from you

-What would you like to see in future newsletters
-Any challenges or victories in your group that you would like to share.

Email us directly with your thoughts or communication needs at  info@wvmkp.org

If you’re wondering where the November newsletter is, you’re looking at it! Our publication schedule has this newsletter coming out at the end of the month so we’re now naming it for the following month (in this case “December”, instead of the current month (i.e. “November”). 
You are receiving this email as you have been identified as a ManKind project man at one time present in the Willamette Valley

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.