Dear I-Group Reps,  

Do you have men sitting in your I-Group that have not had the opportunity to participate in an NWTA?  If so, please share this email with them.


We are offering an exciting new PIT training designed for these men! They can take a training very similar to the one you likely had after your NWTA. The Men’s Work Primary Integration Training will teach the rounds and processes of an I-Group enabling them to power up their participation in you group.  This 6 week course begins Thursday April 14th.  (Cost is $195; scholarships available if needed.)  Registration at


Randy Marks
MKP USA I-Group Council Chair

Imagine a process that provides an evolutionary leap for you and the men in your home I-Group.

For the first time, the Primary Integration Training that has been the foundation of building ManKind Project I-Groups for over 20 years is being offered to men who are committed, engaged, and sitting in our ongoing I-Groups and Circles of Men *but who have not yet taken the New Warrior Training Adventure.*

This 6-week PIT training is designed specifically for men who sit in circle and have not done the NWTA.

Here’s What You Will Get In the Training:

  • A chance to connect with other men like you who want to enrich their experience with MKP

  • A deep understanding of the flow of I-Group meetings
  • Exposure to core I-Group processes: Accountability, Clearings, Man in the Mirror, and more
  • Dive into the learning foundations of MKP: archetypes, shadow, accountability, support, and mission
  • Experience with the processes and a chance to facilitate other men in small groups

WHEN: Thursdays (8:00pm – 11:00pm EST) – Apr 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

WHERE: Register Online