I-Group Business
On the monthly I-Group Coordinator call the new I-Group resources page on mkpconnect was highlighted. You can find it here: https://mkpconnect.org/iginfo/ighome On this page you can find links to many items of interest, such as: Men’s Group/I-Group Vibrancy, this is a good place to find resources you can use to make your I-Group run better.
In this section you will find the new I-Group Handbook, this is a guide on how to run an I-Group. You will also find a link to the I-Group Meeting Guide, this is a guide on how to be an I-Group. In short, how to do and how to be.
You will also find a section called I-Group Representative Resources. If you are a group rep, this is where you will find your role description and some best practices. Here is the link to the 2021 I-Group Summit Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rghwu_eH1AozfcXI88XR0SqnV8j60mVlelTN504Eijc/edit This document is an interesting look at part of what the I-Group Council does. In it you will find ideas on how to bring vibrancy to your I-Group, links to resources, and links to session recordings. This Summit is put on annually and is for I-Group Reps. I am on this year’s I-Group Summit development team. Give it a look.
A couple ideas that were repeated:
Have men look at IGFT (I-Group Facilitation Training) and IGSLT (I-Group Leadership Skills Training-King skills).
And lastly, consider supporting your I-Group Rep by paying for him to take the IGLT.
PIT Business
The much-awaited 2020 PIT manual is out. It is a new version most of you are familiar with. It is streamlined and more user friendly. You can find it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xTiG8XRp0QDWMJsAricGWH_fhIfoUTty/view
This manual is for running an 8–10-week PIT. There isn’t a PIT Intensive Manual, yet. I would like to compile a list of Warrior Brothers tat have not done a PIT. If you are, or know of a man wo has yet to do a PIT, please send me your/his name: ksgr412@gmail.com
Finally, I am looking for a person who would be willing to take over the position of PIT Coordinator for the Willamette Valley. I envision it being a mentored position for a year, working together with me. If it sounds like something you’d be willing to explore, reach out to me at the above email.