The Men’s Work
Review by Raymond Albano

I have been supporting the Open Men Circle since it started. And, I’m standing for every man having a circle to be a part of, who wants one. A circle where a man is safe to speak authentically and is heard without interruption. the Men’s Work

  is a great pathway for men.

When I first heard about the online training the Men’s Work, I checked it out. It is an introduction to men’s work, where a man can ‘get his feet wet’.  The training is facilitated by MKP men, takes place over three 90 minute online sessions, one week apart. And costs $75.
I registered to find out what it’s like. My training began at 3 PM, Sunday January 9th. It was easy to register on the MKP USA website and pay the $75 registration fee. I signed up 2 days before it started.
The first thing that I got, after the confirmation that I was registered, was a ‘Logistics’ email from MKP USA Training Support. I got pointers for how to participate powerfully over zoom, It included the zoom link, the course outline and an invitation to join a Facebook private group. I don’t use Facebook and did not sign up for that. I did open and print out the course outline. The outline covered ground rules, logistics, confidentiality and checking in. It was both laid out in print and through short videos of MKP brothers speaking it:
  • The ground rules – Confidentiality, punctuality, Non-violence …
  • What we practice and why – emotional authenticity, personal responsibility …
  • Core Values – accountability, authenticity compassion
All to create a safe container. The email also included Resources– including two amazing 20 min Ted talks on: ‘Vulnerability & Shame’ by Brené Brown and a great 1 hr 20 min movie about the Hero’s Journey “Finding Joe” (Joseph Campbell documentary); and Practices – including sitting 5 mins/day, a 1 minute cold shower, 5 mins journaling, etc. The email ended with ‘Homework’.
We received a similar email before each of the the other two sessions.
The training is professional. In my training there were 5 other men from locations including Pittsburg, San Diego and Maryland. Two Co-facilitators and a facilitator in training. We got honest with each other fast and experienced a similar intimacy as I do in my I-Group. I also got paired up with a buddy to connect with during the week.
The first session – focused on setting the container, checking in and checking out.
The 2nd session – communication, ‘I’ messages, listening, a ‘mask’ exercise and communicating feelings.
The 3rd session – we explored our limiting beliefs, accountability and what’s next.
All the participants are invited to join the weekly Tuesday ‘Alumni Call’ as a way to stay connected.
the Men’s Work is an inexpensive and powerful introduction to men’s work. It is also a good ‘restart’ for MKP brothers who want to get the juice going again on their personal growth journey. 
Raymond Albano
Cougar (taking cold showers)