Hello Community,

The September 8-10th MOC weekend will be holding weekly open enrollment calls for men of color through August. Please share this information with your networks. These calls are not for the faint of heart, we go deep, and we do work. Bring a man, invite 3, or just bring yourself. We intend to discuss our relationship to fatherhood on our upcoming call. 

If you identify as a man of color you are welcome and encouraged to join the call. Please share the call with your networks.

If you are a man who does not identify as a man of color receiving this message, my ask is that you use your position to refer men to this call. Share it with your areas, your networks, the individual men you know that could benefit from this circle and this space. The reminders and asks will be weekly as well. If you no longer wish to receive them let me know and I will remove you. If you know an initiated man that would like to support this effort let me know that as well. 

*issues joining the call – text 301-467-3579

Who: For men of color interested in getting a taste of men’s work we do. For MOC men interested in attending the upcoming MOC weekend in September (or any other NWTA). 
Participant Link to Register for the September Weekend in Mid Atlantic
Please let Mickey and I know if you are able to join and if you are bringing someone

9pm Eastern – informal hang
9:30pm Eastern – check in


Stephán McKenzie-
ManKind Project Certified Co-Leader
Los Angeles Area Steward-Emeritus
Hummingbird of JOY! (202) 838-6453
ManKind Project – Los Angeles

“I create a world of healing by not diminishing my light & encouraging others to do the same”

Whether you believe it or not, someone loves you. 

– A. S. O.