Dear Brothers:
In the last few months, there have been a number of projects and organizational changes inside MKP USA. Given the variety and frequency of communications on our various channels, you may or may not have heard about some important developments.
Organizational Changes
With the shutdown of NWTAs for Q4-2022 and everything that led up to that, we were faced with a variety of organizational issues and obstacles.
Navigating this crisis, MKP USA came to recognize how differences in perspective, projections instead of curiosity, and legacy structures were getting in the way of our evolution, and hurting our trust in one another. We need to make changes, especially in collaboration, transparency, and communication.
Our commitment to resuming New Warrior Trainings as soon as possible is driving efforts in all MKP USA circles to become better organized, less siloed, and more responsive to the membership. So that we, together, are better able to move quickly and communicate effectively across the Brotherhood.
The MKP Core Leadership Circle was further empowered by the MKP USA Board and the Lead Organizational Circle and given responsibility to take lead on the project to resume NWTAs.
The Core Leadership Circle includes the leads/chairs of the: US NWTA Leader body, Area Stewardship Council, I-Group Council, Mission Circle, the Elder Society, the Ritual Elder Council, Those Who Hold The Below (Former LKS), The Brothahood, MKP USA Chairs, Intercultural Advocate, MKP USA Strategy and Development, Marketing and Systems, Indigenous Relations, and Safer Circles and Communities.
NWTA Restart Project
These major circles and societies have all committed to working together, meeting at least weekly, and in many cases, more frequently, to resolve the remaining obstacles to a 2023 NWTA restart. Since early November, several Core Leadership Circle working groups have been meeting, working, taking on tasks, and making good progress. You can see an overview of the overall project here.
We feel confident that the remaining obstacles to restarting NWTAs will be resolved.
Please let us know what you think using this form.
The best way to stay informed is to be on the MKP USA Broadcast email list, which you can do here.
In support and brotherhood,
Core Leadership Circle Members
Dan Baldwin (Core Leadership Circle Lead)
Kelly Doughty (Area Steward Chair Elect)
Jamie Wellik (Area Steward Chair)
Chris Cefalu (US NWTA Leader Body Chair)
Greg Williams (US NWTA Leader Body Board 2nd representative)
Bryan Siegel (Ritual Elder Chair)
Darryl Hansome (MKP USA Chair)
David McLean (Curriculum Lead)
Boysen Hodgson (Marketing & Systems Lead)
Jeff Ewalt (Those Who Hold the Below)
Rick Hanson (Those Who Hold the Below)
Jermaine Johnson (The Brothahood Chair)
Ruben Rosas (Brothahood representative 2nd)
Jim Katona (Intercultural Advocate Lead)
Jon Levitt (Strategy and Development Lead)
Kevin Hauber (Mission Circle Chair)
Lonnie Hamilton (Incoming MKP USA Chair)
Randy Marks (Mission Circle 2nd representative)
Reuel Czach (Elder Chair)
Rich Grehalva (Indigenous Relations Lead)
Tom Anderson (I-Group Chair)
Tyrone Marsh (Incoming I-Group Chair)